jueves, 21 de agosto de 2008

travel and tourims


The country that i select is Switzerland, this country is a paradise of nature and have a strong economy that create a perfect mix in the touristic cities, your seasons like in all europe are sumer, winter, spring and fall, and the landscape is beautiful.

The folowing words are important icons of the swiss culture:

Pre-Christian Folklore
Artio, a Celtic goddess of wildlife, is specifically known from Switzerland.
Barbegazi, a small white furred man with large feet. Helpful and shy they live in the mountains and are rarely seen.
Berchtoldstag, festival in honor of Berchta or Berchtold
Berchtold, white cloaked Germanic being, leader of the Wild Hunt
Böögg, or
bogeyman, of the Sechseläuten festival
Dwarfs, the little hill or earth men. Described as happy and helpful, they raise cattle and produce magical cheeses

Dragonet "little dragons" tales originated in Switzerland during the Middle Ages.
Fasnacht (or Fastnacht), pre-Lenten carnival
Kobolds, called 'Servants'
Jack o' the bowl is a house spirit of Switzerland for whom a bowl of sweet cream may be left out.
Perchta (or Bertha, Berchta, "The Shining One"), Germanic goddess, and white cloaked leader of the Perchten who drive bad spirits away, and female leader of the Wild Hunt. January 6 is her festival day.
Perchten, those followers who work with Perchta, as well the name of their wooden animal masks.
Rosmerta, Gallo-Roman goddess of fertility and abundance
Samichlaus leads a donkey laden with treats and toys for children.
Schmutzli, St. Nicholas' sooty helper (see
Companions of Saint Nicholas)
The Singing Fir Tree, a Swiss fairy tale
Bäregräubschi and Chöderchessi, traditional wedding presents in the Simmental (Bernese Oberland). The former being a kind of fork symbolising the male element in the wedding. The latter being a magical bucket symbolising the female part. Reported in an Italian anthology of Alpine culture in the 1860s, it is unknown, whether this custom is still in use
Schnabelgeiss, a tall goat with a beak in



Berna: This city is the capital of Switzerland, Berna have a the bear like your icon, and in the center of the city you can see a sort of stadium when live bears so nice, the cars paste stickers with the CH simbol in the registration of the cars.

Basel : Basel is a city that have very much history, this city was founded at 44 a.C. and have the university most old of confederation, this university have 548 yeras of old. Basel was of celta, roman and franco empire.

zermat:The country that i select is Switzerland, this country is a paradise of nature and have a strong economy that create a perfect mix in the touristic cities, your seasons like in all europe are sumer, winter, spring and fall, and the landscape is beautiful.
Its famous for your jazz festival, food and restaurants that you can find in the Michelin guide.

A perfect place for vacation, with the mountains more beautiful of Switzerland and add famous, zermat is the home of the mountain that the colombians see in the alpina products, its so rich in reliefe and nature.

Lucerna: A little city with many turist for the Reuss, your architecture is so beautiful, with two bridges that are so old, the city result be a paradise of the water, and history for the middle-class houses.

Biel: Its a city where do you can find two lenguages, and in very many cities of Switzerland do you find people that speak german, french, rotorromano and italian. Biel is a place so calm for live, but it have commerce so probut


In switzerland the peolple like the others european listen very many musical sorts, but somebody liked the rock, clasic music and jazz, The swiss find your music in internet with publications like this:

Prototyp - Hurdy-Gurdy
1 CD(s) - Sueca - Año de edición: 2006 - Discográfica: NorthSide
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En oferta a solo € 17,95
Sidewalks And Stations - LeGrand
1 CD(s) - Sueca - Año de edición: 2007 - Discográfica: Roasting House
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Compra ahora
Visor Fran Vinden - Sofia Karlsson
1 CD(s) - Sueca - Año de edición: 2008 - Discográfica: Amigo
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Concerto Em Lisboa [DVD Audio] - Mariza
1 CD(s) - Año de edición: 2006 - Discográfica: EMI Catalogue
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En oferta a solo € 20,25
Mohicans (Music Inspired By The Deep Spirit Of Native Americans) - Mohicans
1 CD(s) - Nativa Americana - Año de edición: 2003 - Discográfica: Edel
1 Opinión
En oferta a solo € 12,25
Las 60 Mejores Canciones De Carlos Gardel - Carlos Gardel

In my country the people fun listen tipic music of Colombia, pop, rock, dance, techno, for example in the patrys is so popular the vallenato, salsa and regaeton ( i dont know how to write this new word for me "regaeton")

holydays and importan celebrations in this year:

01.01.2008 Año Nuevo 02.01.2008 20.03.2008 Jueves Santo 21.03.2008 Viernes Santo 24.03.2008 Lunes de Pascua 01.05.2008 Día del Trabajo 05.05.2008 Ascensión del Señor 02.06.2008 Sagrado Corazón 30.06.2008 Santos Pedro y Pablo 01.08.2008 Fiesta nacional Suiza 18.08.2008 Asunción de la Virgen 03.11.2008 Todos los Santos 08.12.2008 Inmaculada Concepción 24.12.2008 25.12.2008 Christmas26.12.2008 31.12.2008

The important celebration in Colombian are in the great majorite monks, but oher are so popularity like christmas or love and friendship day.


Switzerland havent sea but, the ganstronomy is so great, the food most popular is the chocolate, because is so delicious, and in all the world the people know about the swiss chocolate, other tipic food is a rare dessert that is a little hard of explain, but basically consist in a cake species with dust suggar and a secret ingredient...jaja. In swiss thay eat turkey meat, cow meat, pig meat and fish in different forms. These food is typical in all Switzerland.

You can find restaurants of all world in Switzerland, for example McDonals, its a restaurant that are un switzerland and in Colombia and in many places of the world, In Switzerland you can find chinnese restaurants like in colombia, but the most populars are the family restaurants with typic food, and the super restaurants that are in all the world.


the Hotels are so classics, elegants and with all teh servives that do you need, in all the citys of switzerland you can find hotels so confortables and tuna.
The following is a list of the best hotels ogf Switzerland :
You too can find hotels for young people, that are more cheap, and its are special because have activities like gym, king bed, spa and others.
In switzerland the young people speak a little diferent but no much, the main problem is that this country have four official lenguage, and somepeople speak german, and other speak french, so you can walk and hear english, and 2 minuets after you listen italian and in 15 secans you listen german...you can know if some young people speak diferent or not.
In switzerland too its speak a dialect that is a conbination of the germn and swiss, this is the lenguage of the youngs, and this is the main reason for i cant talk about a simple phrases because is all a dialect.}
In this country the people practice the snowboard, but its a so safety because the poblation have a culture of control and order. Add the police is so effecty and rigorous.
The snow spotrs are so popular in that country, but in Colombia isnot, in Colombia is popular the soccer and skating, so we can conclude that the sports are so diferents.
In switzerland a spanish speaker can take clss in educations centers of this country, or maybe if speak german or italian or french havent to do it. The english is the bussines lenguage and is so important in colombia for that reason.
The parties are so similar, but if do you want party switzerland isnot the country, because is more for be calm and be relax and not for parties, but off course are place for leave to party and are so goods.
I read, sleep and wath movies in my spare time, altough lately i havent spare time jajaja.
The swiss spend the spare time, in travles, art and activities that can realx them. The TV here and there are so International, in switxerland you can find programation of all the topics, from war ever love.

miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2008


I am Nicolas Soto Novoa, i study in sabana university.

Its my first publication in this page, i want try learn abouot blogger and finish the basic 2 level of english of my university.